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BeechFest 2020

Saturday 27th June 2020 | 7pm to 1am

The creative and fun evening festival for Beechwood Park School parents

This year -

Our artists are collaborating with the children to create artwork for the woodland and festival site

1 hour of unlimited drinks in the wood (from 7pm) before moving onto the festival site

Our 5 food areas are delicious and unlimited until 10pm

Including the marvellous and miraculous hot dog vending machine and 12ft tall BBQ

GF, vegan and vegetarian options all catered for

The music is on the money

There’s a plethora of entertainment and games

The cocktail bartenders are flown in from the Bahamas*

It will be hotter than Ibiza**

And sensational parachute display by Ed Balfour***

Closes at 1am

*actually train from London **demand from Beechwood Park parents, not temperature

***we haven’t asked him yet

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Early Bird Tickets

2020 Visionaries - early to the party with zero downside



Zero risk Early Bird tickets for a limited time

Our base case this Summer is going to be wonderful and sociable, however should plans change:

Coronavirus/ BPSPA led full refund cancellation date - Friday 5th June

BeechFest 2018

Last time around



Also contains some Beechwood Christmas footage at Rothamsted Manor

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